March Gallagher WINS the election and will serve as our next Ulster County Comptroller!

I am so thankful to the many, many people who helped me get here. Starting with my husband, my family, my hard-working campaign team, the awesome slate I was able to campaign with from the top of the ticket straight down to town races, to the hundreds of individual contributors large and small who funded my campaign, to organized labor who supported me including Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation, Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades, Carpenters Local Union 279, Hudson Valley Ulster County CSEA Local 856, other endorsements from Working Families Party and Citizen Action of New York Hudson Valley Chapter, Ulster County Democratic Women, New Paltz Democratic Women, and our Ulster County Democratic Party for choosing me as the candidate. I could not have done it without you. A special thank you to my republican and independent friends and colleagues who vote the person, not the party. I am here to work for everyone, regardless of affiliation or geography. I also want to acknowledge my worthy opponent who gave me this challenge and opportunity. I look forward to serving the people of Ulster County!
The Results Are In
There were decisive victories in the County Executive and County Comptroller’s races but the District Attorney’s race remains too close to call. The Ulster County Board of Elections will begin counting absentee ballots on November 18th. There are not enough absentee ballots to change the results in March’s race but the actual numbers may change from these unofficial results.
Believe it or not, contributions are still welcome! March’s campaign will be paying the final bills of this election cycle. In addition there are events and conferences that will help March prepare for her new role and donations of any size will be put to good use.