
For the Win!
March Gallagher WINS the election and will serve as our next Ulster County Comptroller! I am so thankful to the many, many people who helped me get here. Starting with my husband, my family, my hard-working campaign team, the awesome slate I was able to campaign with from the top of the ticket straight down… Read More

Get Out the VOTE!
March voted early at the Highland American Legion, one of the seven early voting sites. You can join her and vote early Saturday or Sunday or at your regular polling place on Election Day Tuesday. We are in the final push of the campaign. March has been out knocking doors, attending events, making calls and… Read More

News from the Campaign Trail
March has been campaigning across the County from Wallkill to West Saugerties, from Shawangunk to Shandaken. She is sharing with her fellow Ulster County residents what the Office of Comptroller does and why she is the best person for the job. “One of the most enjoyable parts of campaigning is getting to meet people and… Read More

Labor Day & Transparency Ahoy!
Thank goodness for the contributions of organized labor to our standard and quality of life! Something worth celebrating for sure! New York State was the first state to introduce a bill to dedicate Labor Day (not the first state to pass one though). Labor Day commemorates the social and economic achievements of American workers and… Read More

Exciting News!
The End of Summer and Early Voting As summer winds down we have much to look forward to this fall: cooler nights, more delicious produce from our local farms and the opportunity to elect people of integrity to represent us in public office. This election season we have a new tool to make voting more… Read More

Already Working as Your Fiscal Watchdog
It’s been a whirlwind since March won the democratic nomination for Ulster County Comptroller. Her campaign is just heating up but she is already working as your fiscal watchdog. Just yesterday, she hosted NY Federal Reserve Bank President John C. Williams to discuss Ulster County’s economic challenges.

Thank You Ulster County Democrats!
Thank you Ulster County Democrats! In a hot and steamy packed crowd at the historic Kingston City Hall last night I made my case to become the Democratic Nominee for the Office of Ulster County Comptroller. Thank you UCDC Members for putting your faith in me and giving me the honor of being the Democratic Nominee… Read More

Convention Edition: Keep Ulster Moving; March!
“Conventional Wisdom” from a Local Government Expert and Architect of the Ulster County Charter/Office of County Comptroller, Gerald Benjamin As the Ulster County Democratic Nominating Convention draws near for the deciding vote on Thursday, June 27 many committee members are hearing about the essential qualifications for this office. Gerald Benjamin, author and architect of our… Read More

Rep. Delgado Names March to the 19th Congressional District Small Business Advisory Committee
“KINGSTON, NY—Today, Representative Antonio Delgado (NY-19) announced the creation of his 19th Congressional District Small Business Advisory Committee, including representatives from all eleven counties in the district reflecting voices from county chambers of commerce, small business owners, consumers, and advocates for the small business community. The Advisory Committee will meet with Rep. Delgado regularly to… Read More

June News and Notes from the Campaign Trail
Thanks Everyone for Being a Part of My Kickoff Fundraiser! Rain didn’t deter my friends, family, and supporters from stopping by Ole Savannah and making the night a huge success. It was a lovely night and I am very grateful to see so many people step forward to help. Thank you! I’m excited to join… Read More